1 definition by GreatA42

An atheist is simply one who lacks a belief in a god or gods. That's it. It does not mean militant asshole, anti-theist, humanist, intelligent, blind, skeptic, secular, freethinker, or liberal.

Most people confuse the terms agnosticism and atheism. This should clear the misunderstanding:

gnostic theist: I know god exists
agnostic theist: I don't know if a god exists, but I believe there is one
agnostic atheist: I don't know if a god exists, but I don't believe there is one
gnostic atheist: I know there is no god

Most atheists are agnostic. While atheism deals with non-belief in god(s), this term does not describe what we do believe in. People have different labels (or no labels at all) for what they do believe in but this is outside atheism.

Atheism is not a religion. There is no worship of any people, no holy books, no dogma, no persecution, and no absolute truth.
Sye: You're agnostic? Oh good, I'm glad you're not one of those militant atheist assholes
Chris: Actually, I'm an atheist
Sye: But I thought you were agnostic? You're a decent person, how could you be an atheist?
Chris: I just don't think there's enough evidence to warrant a belief in god. That's it. This does not mean I'm a good person or asshole.
by GreatA42 December 27, 2016
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