1 definition by Gramsci420


A Neo-Marxist is someone who, in contrast to Orthodox Marxists, reject the concept of economic determinism; the idea that all of society's decisions are ultimately determined by economic conditions, and that capitalist societies will inevitably collapse due to the capitalist economic system's inherent contradictions. Neo-Marxists believe that society's decisions are determined by ideology as well as economic conditions, and that it is the hegemonic ideology of the bourgeoisie that keeps workers from starting the world revolution that Orthodox Marxists (such as Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, etc) thought was inevitable.
There is controversy over the term, as some thinkers like Noam Chomsky have been described being Neo-Marxist despite preferring to be described as anarcho-syndicalist or libertarian socialist.
While there are many branches of Neo-Marxism that are not always in agreement with eachother, the writings of Antonio Gramsci and scholars at the Frankfurt School are highly influential in Neo-Marxist thought.
HyperNormalisation (2016) is a documentary by Adam Curtis that provides an excellent Neo-Marxist analysis of world history between 1975 and 2016.
by Gramsci420 December 29, 2021
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