3 definitions by Googie Withers

The combination of the words “blog” and “dialog”, describing a typical blog-like discourse made in a forum that invites and encourages responses and ongoing discussion between and among respondents and the original author/poster based on the original blog.
"That YouTube video prompted a long blogalog."

"I knew my Facebook note about the death-penalty would lead to a great blogalog."
by Googie Withers April 18, 2009
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1. The combination of the words “blog” and “dialog”, describing a blog-like discourse made in a forum that invites and encourages responses and ongoing discussion between and among respondents and the original author/poster based on the original blog.

2. Any of the rantings of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich (in this context, "Blogolog" should always be capitalized).
"My Facebook note about abortion started one heck of a long and angry blogolog."

"This YouTube blogolog about immigration has been going for three months straight."

"Roddy went on another Blogolog on the radio this morning."
by Googie Withers April 18, 2009
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1: The use of theology or religion to force one set of morality and beliefs on others without respect for differing perspectives or points of view.

2: Describing a person or persons with religious views he/she/they want to force upon others, or society as a whole.

3: The state or condition of being in a societal atmosphere of oppression by religion.

Often done with force, anger, or sometimes violence.
The far-right wing of the Republican party wants to turn America into a theocrazy.

The current administration of Iran is a theocrazy.

The root of Islamic extremism are the theocrazies like Osama bin Laden.

Sadly, the world today seems to be increasingly theocrazy.
by Googie Withers July 2, 2009
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