1 definition by Gangstalicious Emo kid hater

Emo kids are pussys, especially the boy emo kids. Some respect should be shown to the real emo kids, not the pussy-ass fakers who do just for attention. about 80% of emo kids are fake lieing bastards who are desperate for pussy, but cant get any cuz their either, ugly, fat, retarded, have no muscle, or D all of the above. So they act depressed to get pussy from the nasty emo girls. If you are an emo kid trying to become cool, your only going to look like a fag to the rest of the world if you ever do become cool to the emo crowd. Oh and for all the emo kids pissed of with me, and want to know what my problem with ya, well my only problem with is your a pussy the makes ur tiny problems seem like big ones and noone really gives a shit, so suck it up and fix the problem PUSSY.
I dont have a problem with real emo kids, just with the fake ass-pussy faking ones that are desperate for any type of pussy.

Emo kid- Big Attention grabbing PUSSY
by Gangstalicious Emo kid hater November 7, 2006
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