2 definitions by GalinndanSiannodel

A language so good and easy, that literally no one besides its creators has ever learned it. In fact, it is unknown how large the language currently is. It is the language of moes though, so it is the best ever made.
He speaks kanurs, he must be one of the language's creators, he is so cool.
by GalinndanSiannodel June 20, 2023
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Literally the best country that has ever existed.

Short for The Greater Isle of Moes.
I’ve been staying here for two weeks now, and I love The Greater Isle of Moes! The service here on the Filicivtà Resort is phenomenal. At first, I was worried about going here, with all the COVID-19 fuss, but then everyone is so professional, I barely even notice anything. You can do all sorts of fun stuff here. I mean, there are beaches everywhere!
by GalinndanSiannodel June 20, 2023
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