1 definition by G master Lo

A muscular boy with a portchster cop as a father who wants to play football but can't because his knee is all screwed up,,,but he would be mad good when he play. he'll play linebacker (mac)or (willy)for garnet football until we graduate we are going to the dome every year we play because we will have cole mcCormack and remy to score touchdowns and make all of the takles for us. but in the end we will get our championship rings and then you, me and ur friggin visor will go play at rutgers because face it, ur not going to maryland it costs to much money and if u keep stealing ur mom's change and keep spending it you definetley wont have enough money.
Tom Conway is a gangstaliscious white boy because he knows RAY RICE! Yo biznatch stop buying dirty facemasks for that dirty helmet save your money and buy a PS3 or something u no brah.
by G master Lo November 14, 2006
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