1 definition by FuckDeezH8ers

Plexican (noun): a person who was born to hate ("to hate" is synonymous with "to plex" (as in complex), or rather "having a plex"). The "-ican" refers to nationality. ie, Plexicans hate on others so much (really, they might hate themselves, or they got a plex with their daddy) you would swear they got pride for Plexico.

Plexican (adjective): used to describe people who were born to hate, showing real pride for their 'plexes.
Person 1: Aidan always hatin' on my mixtapes and my work, always trying to riff on stuff I say, doublespeak, setup-ass bitch. You would swear he was a Plexican.
Person 2: Have you tried talking to him? Taking it outside, maybe?
Person 1: I try that, he's just content to have his ass kicked. Continues his shit the next day.
Person 2: That right there is a Plexican
by FuckDeezH8ers May 16, 2013
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