2 definitions by Frxstedjxsh boyfriend :)

He is the nicest person alive! I have never ever thought that I would ever had met my soulmate online but I am glad that I decided to online date and have finally after years of searching for my soulmate I have found him 🥺 babe if your reading this i honestly can’t imagine my world without you I really don’t! He has made my life so much better it’s actually unreal! He never fails to make me smile every day! Everyday I wake up and think this “Daym how have I got so lucky with this boy” I honestly cant loose you baby I really can’t 🥺 :( please don’t leave me- shortass :)
Frxstedjxsh is the nicest person alive
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Frxstedjxsh is the nicest josh fan page in the world… I never thought I would online date in my life but I am glad that I have finally managed to meet my soulmate online! I never thought it would be a josh fan page but I can not imagine my life without you babe ❤️ Babe if you are reading this please don’t ever leave me I lobe you way to much! -short ass :)
“Babe I want you to be happy” -Frxstedjxsh
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