2 definitions by Frankee Franklin

- A pair of burls aka a pair of balls ..
--- 1 testicle equates to 1 squiblet therefore a man with 2 testicles has squiblets
- A man's package aka his nuts
Sometimes you just have to grab your squiblets, get it together, and go get after it in life.
by Frankee Franklin May 24, 2020
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1 - Not being able to sit still, constant movement, back and forth action done more specifically while sitting down or lying down, as if moving like a worm
2 - Therefore, to be worm like in your actions.
3 - A combination of squirrel and wormy in actions equating to being fucking squirmy
1 -- In the morning, the early bird gets the squirmy worm.
2 -- In the early morning, the lady gets the squirmy sperm.
3 -- Most common: Dude. Chill out, stop being all squirmy. Relax.
by Frankee Franklin May 26, 2020
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