2 definitions by Fiver5

Kangarooing is using overly academic language to try and explain or discuss concepts to someone who may or may not have a background in academia. Kangarooing happens often in activist circles where middle class college educated people will speak in overly academic language, assuming that the rest of the group is also college educated and can understand them.

Kangarooing is also used to obfuscate or obscure the point in an attempt to trick the victim into agreeing with something they may not understand, so that they don't seem stupid.

The term is a reference to an episode of the sitcom "Friends" wherein Joey wrote a letter using the thesaurus section on Microsoft Word for every single word and signed the letter as "Baby Kangaroo Tribbiani".
Judith: "That the power regimes of heterosexism and phallogocentrism seek to augment themselves through a constant repetition of their logic, their metaphysic, and their naturalized ontologies does not imply that repetition itself ought to be stopped—as if it could be."

Megan: "Stop kangarooing and explain in standard English please"
by Fiver5 March 19, 2017
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Truscum also known as transmedicalists are a commonly misunderstood community on Tumblr. They follow the medical definition of transsexualism i.e that it's a medical condition and that you need sex dysphoria to be trans.
Bun: Truscum hate all non-binary people!

Truscum: Actually, 98% of us actually support non-binary people!
by Fiver5 May 18, 2014
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