2 definitions by FYREGOD

The placement of one's face, specifically the mouth, against a woman's genitals, followed by a rapid shaking of the face in a side-to-side motion while extending his tongue and accompanied by a raspberry sound. Tunaboating is similar to motorboating, but the action is done to the woman's genitals rather than the breasts. The prefix "tuna" is chosen due to the claim that some vaginas smelling like fish.
He put his face between her legs and began tunaboating her for several seconds. She couldn't stop laughing even after she queefed in his face.
by FYREGOD December 31, 2011
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When a woman explains menstral problems to a man in a condisending tone as if the man is too grossed out and ignorant to understand.
He accused me of periodsplaining when I tried to tell him that the sticky side of the pad faces away from the vagina and not used like duct tape.
by FYREGOD June 8, 2021
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