1 definition by FOOD4URMind

What is a CEM Relationship

As we evolve in life we become more complex human beings, our souls enter different levels of realization. Time becomes scarce for things that you value and more and more there are things you want to discover, so tying to mold a relationship to be everything your life is at this moment, becomes extremely difficult and impossible, and yes exhausting and very quickly unenchanted. Then you discover there are people in the same flight, and you ask yourself "Why ground them? when you can just pair your self next to them and fly together.

So a CEM (Co-Creator of Experiences and Memories) can be anyone in your life, that without complexity, just wants to Co-create Memories and Experiences and at a certain moment of time your flights pair together. These Memories and Experiences can be very diverse, you just need to be brave to continue gladding through the sky and enjoy the view.

Now, of course there is care for a CEM because, why would you want to not take care of someone that gives you so much without expectations. So continue your flight and always, always be willing to be amazed.

Term first coined in writing by Luis Antonio Uribegan
He or She is my CEM. I have a CEM Relationship.
by FOOD4URMind August 4, 2019
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