1 definition by FCHS Alum

Forsyth central is Forsyth county's Greatest institution of learning (Aside from lanier technical college). The students at this school for the most part are loving and kind. Racial tension seems to rip the school apart at times with mostly whites and mexicans on opposite ends. The football team was good once in 2009 where they competed in region 6AAAA but lost the last game to the state champions and therefore did not make it to state. The band is also very Talented with its drum-line being ranked in the world coming in 8th place. Everything else at central sucks and most of the coaches besides football and lady's basketball are pretty terrible (It is said the Athletic director doesn't like sports) There are a few other high-schools in the county but for the most part the students are rich pricks or rednecks.
by FCHS Alum September 2, 2009
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