1 definition by Etymologynerdette

"two flips of a same coin" means that when you flip the same coin twice you'll either get the exact same side or two opposite sides. This is an expression used in reference to people who often have the exact opposite opinions (as the chance of opposite sides is 2/3) happen to have the exact same opinion on a subject. It can also be used sarcastically or twisted to mean that despite two people showing complete opposite worldviews, at the core of it there is the same message/intention. Not to be confused with the phrase two sides of the same coin, which means something completely different.
Friend 1: hey that insert propaganda agent was really right on political subject
Friend 2: no actually the insert opposite view propaganda agent was really right when he said political take
*Debating ensues*
Friend 3: y'all are just two flips of the same coin...
by Etymologynerdette April 21, 2024
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