1 definition by Esunshine246

An Executive Bro (or all of the above) is a person in a C-Level position, typically within a start-up, who has not reached the level of maturity of a typical executive or has slipped through the cracks of the natural progression of a typical person in power due to his personal associations with those in power (e.g. childhood friends with the CEO). This person, due to his immaturity, unawarely abuses his power to make big executive decisions. The executive attempts to use his power for the good of the company, but as a result undermines the people around him. This in turn creates people who are forced to pretend to like the Executive Bro, in a vicious circle of perpetual pitching of poor thought out/stolen ideas, but all being too afraid to call the Executive Bro out on his complete incompetence.

The Executive Bro also seeks out other Executive Bros to add to his false notion of credibility and hides behind the guise of a cool, enthusiastic "thought leader".
Broxecutive was in the bathroom and invited me to his penthouse to talk about his new plan for the company. I couldn't say no because he owns me.
by Esunshine246 August 29, 2017
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