2 definitions by Eric F.

-->Some may confuse this gangsta' fresh name with that of EF from 'That 70's Show', a popular comedic sitcom of the Fox broadcasting that lasted from 1998-2006 starring Ashton Kutcher and Wilder Valderrama.

Most 'Eric Formans' can agree they will roundhouse kick the next guy who decides to be smart with them and crack a 'That 70's Show' joke. See Chuck Norris

Known hater of all those who feel the need to spread derogatory feelings of the UNited States, and any actions carried out by those individuals. These people are subject to roundhouse kicks.
Eric Forman, not from the TV show, but the man, the myth, the legend.
by Eric F. July 11, 2006
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other: ass pickle,ass-pickle

origin:Florida,Tampa area, Riverview

creators:Eric Fe******s, and Marcell Ja**s

Deffinition: A ubercocky participant in an on-line FPS game (usually Halo 2)who pownes and is powned frequently and is a sore looser/winner that will complain about being powned or will rub the fact that he/she pownedyou.
Asspickle:dOOd, i #0#411"/ %0\/\/^3o/ u12 /\1253 m/\^
(dude ,I totally powned ur arse man)
player: F*ck you 1337 wannabe noob douche

Asspickle:i 57!1_1_ %0\/\/^3o/ u12 /\1253 m/.....
(I still powned ur arse ma(n).....)
-asspickle player is sniped in back of head while trying to figure out his lame 1337 translation sheet from http://dum.asspickle.noob (or similar wannabe noob site)
by Eric F. February 10, 2006
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