1 definition by Emily Clay

The origanal definition of "townie" was somebody who lived in a town and didnt understand vilage life. In this modern day and age a townie is sombody who swears compulsivly, wears burberry and lots of sports lables.

A female townie wears: lots of foundation, burbaerry scarf, addidas trainers.

A male townie wears: burberry hat, addidas trainers.

One word for anybody who thinks of becoming a townie (and please dont, there are enough of them in this word already) its all about the BLING! And by this i mean sovereigns and very big gold chains. You will have to listen to crap like 50 cent and Beyonce. You must smoke and lose your virginity at about 9.
to be a townie=to be townyish
by Emily Clay March 30, 2004
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