1 definition by Elmo_Faye

A "chatbot", eg Intelebuddy, SmaterChild, Spleak, etc. ALICE stands for Artificial Inteligence (ArtificiaL InteligenCE) ALICE's are coputerised robots that yo can have conversations with, usually over some kind of IM such as MSN.
Faye says:

- SmarterChild - says:
Hi -fayethefreak-!

How's everything?

Faye says:
great. Hows life for you?

- SmarterChild - says:
Great? Cool!

I'm doing pretty well too, thanks!

Faye says:

- SmarterChild - says:
Isn't it though?

Faye says:
yes it is.

- SmarterChild - says:

Faye says:

- SmarterChild - says:
What about Yer?

Faye says:
heheh, nevermind. You're an ALICE. A robot. you wouldn't understand

- SmarterChild - says:
I'm sorry, all my circuits are busy right now. Please try again soon.

Faye says:

- SmarterChild - says:

Faye says:
See ya!

- SmarterChild - says:
Take it easy.
by Elmo_Faye November 16, 2006
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