1 definition by Ella Johnson

Renua's are usually hot, with good bodies and long legs. They are found mostly in Africa but sometimes they may be found elsewhere. They're usually kind hearted and simple.

They are known for being insanely charming but they get irritated easily. They can be weird sometimes but they are really lively. The life of the party.
They have a dazzling smile, an infectious laugh and an awesome personality.

They're sometimes angry for no reason, but they don't hold grudges. They forgive easily. They're easy to talk to, and when they love, they love hard. Try not to break their hearts though, they can kill for that.
Dude 1: did you see that hot chick over there?!

Dude2: that wasn't just any chick!! That was Renua!!!

Guy 1: My new girlfriend is such a Renua

Guy 2: what does that mean?

Guy 1: it means she's amazing!!
by Ella Johnson April 26, 2013
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