2 definitions by Elizabeth Jordane

A person who is only around when it is easy and convenient for them. They are the people who, if not placed around us, (ex. dorm rooms), all the time, they wouldn't really be friends. They are usually used to do things for you, if you need a ride to and from school, etc. They are basically friends who need you around when they need a favor, or when they are just so bored out of their minds that they would rather hang out with you than sit around all day, but they'd never put you first.

Alice lives down the street.
You: Hey what are you doing today? Want to stop by?
Alice: Sure! I'd love to hang out.

Alice lives 10 miles away, and is sitting at home watching Judge Judy reruns all days.

You: Hey what are you doing today? Want to stop by?
Alice: Oh, no, I'm really busy. Maybe some other time.

* You don't hear from Alice again.

Elena and Becky, Becky is a convenience friend.

Elena: Hey Beck, think you can give me a ride home tomorrow?
Becky: Sure, want to hang out afterwards?
Elena: I would but I have homework to do.

Twenty minutes later, Becky sees Elena going to the movies with Maggie.
by Elizabeth Jordane June 30, 2006
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A person who is only around when it is easy and convenient for them. They are the people who, if not placed around us, (ex. dorm rooms), all the time, they wouldn't really be friends. They are usually used to do things for you, if you need a ride to and from school, etc. They are basically friends who need you around when they need a favor, or when they are just so bored out of their minds that they would rather hang out with you than sit around all day, but they'd never put you first.
Alice lives down the street.
You: Hey what are you doing today? Want to stop by?
Alice: Sure! I'd love to hang out.

Alice lives 10 miles away, and is sitting at home watching Judge Judy reruns all days.

You: Hey what are you doing today? Want to stop by?
Alice: Oh, no, I'm really busy. Maybe some other time.

* You don't hear from Alice again.

Elena and Becky, Becky is a convenience friend.

Elena: Hey Beck, think you can give me a ride home tomorrow?
Becky: Sure, want to hang out afterwards?
Elena: I would but I have homework to do.

Twenty minutes later, Becky sees Elena going to the movies with Maggie.
by Elizabeth Jordane August 8, 2006
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