2 definitions by El Poogo

When one partakes in the smoking of cannabis and becomes stoned or monged to the extent of not being able to move. Once this state is achieved, the smoking session is concluded and usually followed by sleeping (also known as 'kipping'), hence, 'kippered.'
'Dude! I've had 10 bongs and 4 spliffs... I think i'm stone kippered! I'm going for a bit of a kip.'
by El Poogo February 12, 2009
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A derivative combination of thhe words bong and snorkel, a bonkle is simply a snorkel fitted with a gauze, for the misuse of smoking marijuana as see in films such as; 'Notting Hill' and 'Good Luck Chuck'.
Other names include, snong, snorg, Snongle and sea-weeding. Often leave's the user 'Stone Kippered'.
Dude, you wanna toke this doob??
Nah man, I'm gonna hit the bongkle!
by El Poogo February 26, 2009
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