3 definitions by El Nixonito

A band whose music was featured in Yours, Mine, and Ours (The new one). They have written many good songs other than those in the movie. They have high quality lyrics and a good sound. Their latest albums are Letters to The President and Smile Its the End of The World
Hawk Nelson performed their song Bring Em' Out for the movie Yours, Mine, and Ours.
by El Nixonito August 3, 2006
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A great 90's show starring Will Smith that now only airs on Nogin and Nik at Nite. The show revolves around the plot that a kid from West Philly comes to live with his rich Aunt and Uncle in the Californian town of Bel Air. The writers somehow found a way to work Will Smith's rap partner DJ Jazzy into mostly every episode.
Will Smith stars in the Fresh Prince of Bel Air as a character named Will.
by El Nixonito August 4, 2006
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