1 definition by EatSomeAssIAmSans

A real genius in every way he approaches and thinks about things. Typically an Asian person, yet, possess a monster of a cock in his chamber,(AKA his sick joggers). He thinks glasses, along with people wearing them, are the hottest shit in the world. His humor is typically edgy and inappropriate, but even the most sheltered of people are forced to laugh at his jokes. People think he's gay because he grinds on male homo-sapiens, but he does it as a way to hide his insecurities from females. Many females like him, but he doesn't let them know if he's interested or not to add an element of mystery. His best friend commonly either has the name of Julian or something. His henchman, his best friend, is typically seen as the beta version 0.001332 version on Earon.
Earon has the best posture, jokes, and even voice.
by EatSomeAssIAmSans February 11, 2019
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