1 definition by Draenei Priest

A euphimism for the word "bitch" used in a playful/jocular manner; almost interchangeable with terms such as "loser" and "tard". It's origin lies in an incorrect interpretation of Dave Chapelle's high-pitched pronounciation of the word "bitch". As an adjective "biss" becomes "bissy" and gives the connotation of being temporarily annoying, uncooperative, or apathetic.
Ila: Hey you biss what's up?
Draenei Shaman: ZOMG! are you calling me a biss..all of my friends were being such bisses at school today. I hope they burn in an unmitigated raging eternal fire.
Ila: Yeah, me too...I like raging eternal fires, they're "hot" and sexy..get it..hah >_>. Anyways, I g2g, bye biss.
Draenei Shaman: Bye you bigger biss.

Draenei Shaman: Why were you being so effing bissy yesterday?
Ila: Well my mom told me I was on urbandictionary.com too much so I became a bit emo and started to cut myself.
by Draenei Priest May 29, 2007
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