2 definitions by DrUmarJohnsonLover911

Animation studios that consist of black men with 18+ animations that has recently gone viral on tiktok using the song Ballin' by Roddy Ricch.
"What is Animan Studios?"
Animation studios is a animation that consist of black men with 18+ animations that has recently gone viral on tiktok using the song Ballin' by Roddy Ricch.
by DrUmarJohnsonLover911 February 7, 2023
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"Yo bro, what is the snow bunny crisis, and why do you keep telling me I'm a negro?" - Charleston White
"The snow bunny crisis is a term coined by Dr. Umar Johnson to stop the spread of the black brothers from getting down on their knees for these white women." - Kamari Amadu
by DrUmarJohnsonLover911 January 24, 2023
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