2 definitions by Dr. Word Doctor.

The act of a married male; standardized Male and Female union. Wherein the husband states he’s going to “cigar shopping” with his friend Dave to his partner. But in fact he’s off preforming oral copulation upon many a stranger. This act isn’t solely relighted to the transient and unfamiliar. He even sucks off Dave.
“ Hey honey Dave and I are going Cigar Shopping. There’s a new cigar shop that just opened up on 53’rd and 3’rd and we’re going to sample their wears. Don’t wait up. What? Dinner? No thank you I’ll get something with Dave.”
by Dr. Word Doctor. September 19, 2022
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The act of oral compilation with your partner while harboring a bronchial infection of the Larynx and or an upper respiratory infection/cold causing a coarseness and strain on the vocal cords.
“I’d love too baby just letting you know my throat is scratchy. I might me coming down with something. I hope you don’t mind Horsehead?
by Dr. Word Doctor. September 19, 2022
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