1 definition by Dr. Ug

Slang for the long lasting psychedelic 2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine, also known as DOM. STP was said to stand for Serenity, Tranquility, and Peace. Has properties related to LSD. The high comes in at around half an hour after swallowing the tablet and is at peak at 2 to 3 hours depending on the quantity consumed. High can last 14 to 20 hours depending on dosage (14 to 20 according to 3 - 10 mg of STP consumed)

At 1 mg: Eyes dilated, mouth somewhat dry, and eerie feeling.

At 2.3 mg: Mood elevation, emotional effects and colors become radiant.

At 3 mg: Observation enhanced. Brighter and more colors

At 4 mg: Arousing sensation. Colors intensify and slight hallucinations occur. Effects similar to LSD and Mescaline.

At 5 mg: Magnification of light, colors, and odors. Slight feeling of unhappiness along with joy. Hallucination occurs but can be stopped at will.

At 8 mg: Music and visual warp into one being. "An off-beat fantasy."

At 10 mg: Same as 8 mg, but effects come sooner and lasts a little longer.

At 12 mg: Tremors, feeling of paralysis with music and visuals binding into an erotic fantasy.

Anyone planning on attempting to take STP should know that the effects may take up to an hour or two to show, so taking more dose is strictly unrecommended.
Boy #1: My parents were gone for the weekend so I tried STP. Minutes became hours and hours became days.

Boy #2: My trip went from good to horrible when my parents came in while I reached 3 hour mark on STP. The bad trip should be punishment enough.
by Dr. Ug January 27, 2010
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