1 definition by Dollface17

The most beautiful girl in existence. Her beauty and intelligence is unmatched. Graceful and elegant, with a modelesque body that would probably belong on the covers of Vogue.

The woman of every man's fantasy. A woman who believes in womenkind. Soulful, like a true illuminata she can light up the room just with her smile alone. A spectacular diamond in the rough. Multi talented, harmonious, expressive, thoughtful and kind.

She can spend her days at quirky cafes, sketching art and writing books. She's the type that takes care of herself. Every woman wants to be her, and every man wants to be with her. Everything about her is glowing, her caramel skin, her dark curly hair. She's divine like an ethereal Goddess, hence the name Devina.
That girl is like a graceful swan, like a Devina almost..
by Dollface17 January 28, 2013
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