2 definitions by Dmitri777

A fictional country somewhere in between Nepal and Shangri-La. Currently a semi-democratic state. Has had 67 presidents since the establishment of democracy in 1988. Also currently beset by militia groups in it's highly underdevelloped rural areas.

Capital city: Kaboom

Language: Sapsagostani

Currency: Kshatt

Geography: Mountains

Infrastructure: Limited

Sanitary Healthcare: Yes

Really?: No

Seacoast: No

Beachfront Properties: Oddly enough, yes
-Example 1)

Bob: I'm going to Sapsagostan on vacation!

Jack: Cool, can I have your stereo?

-Example 2)

Jenny: Can you believe this place! I can't stand it here!

Benny: Yeah, this place is a total Sapsagostan...
by Dmitri777 November 4, 2007
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*Common noun, origin in Ancient Egyptian language*
*Plurals: iuyutyu or iuyuts*
*Adjective: iuyut-esque*

Definition, Egyptian: Female dog, lit. "bitch"

Definition, English: A rude, stupid, uncouth person. Usually female; A person prone to verbal outbursts directed at others, probably a narc.
"Don't worry about him/her, s/he is just a iuyut."

"Wow, s/he is being really iuyut-esque today."

"Great, a pack of iuyuts/iuyutyu, try to ignore them."
by Dmitri777 October 29, 2007
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