1 definition by DidIUDThat


the act of demeaning your wife's name, by being terrible at business


completing an action in a manner such as to bring shame, due to being incompetent or just not caring beyond the lined pockets


one who is terrible at business, to the point of sullying their wife's good name


a terrible business person
Verb - His wife was never able to find him attractive again, after he Dirty Meredithed her name to the point of regional shame.

Adverb - His company was so adept at Dirty Meredithing managing into the ground, so as to be worthless.

Noun - Once a rising star, according to random paid interviews, Dirty Meredith was now ashamed to show his face, due to the strife and grief that had emanated from his web of out of state, unaccountable LLCs... if only he had managed his businesses like he managed his LLC deception network. As such, Dirty Meredith may never work in this industry again.

Adjective - "Uh oh, here comes the Dirty Meredith hospitality operator"
"His cleaning crew must "wash" his clothes"
"Plug your nose, pigpen is walking upwind of us"
Both laugh hysterically
by DidIUDThat October 27, 2022
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