2 definitions by DiamondHawk

When you drop 10 chlorine tabs in the pool filter and leave it for a day then swim in the pool for 4 hours and find your balls have acid burns on them, and you will be doing the waddle walk all day long, this requires at least 4 people to perform, and leads to the quadtroddle walk, another new word. Also bloody water burn balls.
10 chlorine tabs + 4 people + 4hours of usage=chloriballs(bloody balls)

my chloriballs is acting up again
by DiamondHawk July 6, 2010
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A small group of people at least 4 having to do a heavy waddle, or a crawl because there balls have suffered from Chloriballs do to over chlorination of the pool water, effects include intense burning, lack of skin, loss of blood, or a fried chicken outcome.
A heavy waddle or limp, or even a crawl due to a quadtroddle
by DiamondHawk July 6, 2010
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