1 definition by DevilsHalo752

A crazy bitch. She has many friends, but they are all fake. Her main purpose is to destroy your life. She smells like old food and dogs. Her skin is flakey, but she has a nice rack. At least it looks like she does, buts its really just bra padding. She thinks she is awesome. If jackie is ever in a problem, she plays victim, no matter what. Always complaining.
Sarah: There goes Jackie! UG! I wish she would stop his pity act!
Jonna: I know right! Oh my god, can u smell that? It must be her 5 dogs! Gross!

Thomas: Dude! Check out Jackie rack! Man, thanks god I can at least look at that instead of her face!
Mike: Come on! U know thats just her bra right? A girl with a face like that can't have a rack like that!
by DevilsHalo752 July 28, 2012
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