2 definitions by Detective Derp

The man that has graciously supplied us with delicious syrup for years. One out of the three great legendary pancake titans: (Tyler the Apocalypse Scheid, Ethan the Crust Nestor and Mr.Butterworth). (Also known by the name Mark Edward Fischbach) He has covered millions of pancakes for many years.
Johnson: "Who's responsible for our syrup?"
Ted: "Mark Mr. Butterworth Fischbach , of course!"
Johnson: "Who's that?"
Ted: "Well I can't believe you don't recognize the great man's name!
Ted: "You know why there's a national recycling program for syrup bottles? That's right, it's a hundred percent him!, covering every pancake!"
by Detective Derp April 11, 2017
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The lady that brings stale chocolate donuts to the office Christmas party. But then absolutely splurges on all the other good food.
Ned: "Where did those f***ing stale donuts come from!?!?!"
Jim: "Who do you think, you dunce!"
Ned: "Who the f**K invited Brenda!?!?!"
by Detective Derp April 11, 2017
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