1 definition by Derek Juntunen

A condition that will begin afflicting users of the hotly anticipated "Madden 2010" after prolonged periods of gameplay. The first sufferers will be the midnight buyers, who will begin sensing symptoms at around 4 A.M. on August 14th, 2009.

Madden 10-dinitis will result in a brief, but severe drop, in productivity for the following work-week of the American economy, as upwards of 7 million people will have called in with the condition.
Alfonze (on phone): Hey boss, I got bad news. Yeah, I got tendinitis and won't be able to come into work until Monday at the earliest. That cool?

Rick the boss (on phone): Alfonze, do you have tendinitis, or do you have Madden 10-dinitis?

Alfonze: ...Madden 10-dinitis.

Rick the boss: All right. See you next week. (whispers) How is it?

by Derek Juntunen August 14, 2009
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