1 definition by Deniz is OVAR 9000

The worst thing that could ever happen to a high school student. By the time you reach your second year you will have wished to be labeled as the kid with crabs at an American high school.

It results with long hours spent on learning how to bullshit your way through almost everything thats directed at you. Procrastination is also one of the key elements of IB. They deliberately ask questions which make 2+2 look complicated. By the time you're in your second year, waiting for the MOCKS, all you'll want to do is stick your head into a meat grinder.

It includes a philosophy course called Theory of Knowledge in which you're meant to show interest in the life thats been taken away from you. You also have to produce an Extended Essay of 4000 words and no matter how enjoyable your topic seems it makes you prefer having sexual intercourse with a British woman aged 60+ instead of continuing your life as an IB student. These two aspects make it more difficult when compared to A levels which is the British equivalent where they leave you some breathing space.

There is no such thing as a sane IB student or teacher. In the year of my graduation, one teacher was kicked out for being a pedophile, one teacher turned out to have a blog where she talked about her obsession with a physics teacher who is engaged, she dissed half the faculty, talked about her twitch reliever and reflected on her craving for mad sex.
The IB will not secure you a place in every university.
It will teach you how to procrastinate.
It will teach you the true meaning of loneliness.
It will attempt to turn you into a liar, cheater and whore by making you an ambitious wanker resulting with you losing all the friends you've ever had.
It will cheat you into taking Math Studies which in not actually math and you end up turning your mathematical brain into mashed potatoes.
It will cheat you into taking a higher level science which you should not do unless you intend to become a specialist in the field of toenail fungus.
by Deniz is OVAR 9000 February 3, 2008
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