1 definition by Demilovatolover

Most commonly used as a way to refer to someone who is untalented, ugly, or a combination of the two. Most specimens have a gap tooth and butt chin, and smile like an over excited two year old. Wears "edgy" clothing (skinny jeans, black t-shirts, and converse are ultra-awesome). Doesn't have any style or originality. Their music is mostly digitally altered with lots of really edgy lyrics about how totally in love it is. Confuses being bullied with being criticized, and cuts itself, because of all it's totally real emotions. Will be forgotten in a few years.
Girl 1: How do I look?
Girl 2: Oh my god! Take that off! You look like a Demi Lovato!
Girl 1: My outfit is that bad?
Girl 2: Yes! Also, you have a butt chin, and your voice makes my ears bleed.
by Demilovatolover November 23, 2010
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