1 definition by Definitions13

Kolbi is a beautiful southern belle that when you first meet her she is very quiet and shy but then when you get to know her she's hilarious and crazy. She's different and that's what people love about her. She tells personal things/problem to few people and doesn't really like to tell people what's going on in her life unless she feels like they actually care. You can always count on her to have a pack of gum somewhere. She likes that one person that might like her back but nobody knows. Shes smart but nobody really knows because she doesn't show it. She plays percussion and hates being in front of the whole band. She can play something perfectly alone but the second she gets in front of a lot of people she freaks out. She always has a cute outfit on and always looks amazing. She always says nice things about people and doesn't have very many enemies. The one thing she hates the most is when people lie to her. Overall, kolbi is a wonderful person and if you're lucky enough to have h
er in your life you need to keep her there. If you like her or love her you need to let her know that. She's a great person and you can always count on her to help you out if you are in trouble and need help. She's a very special person.
"Are you friends with kolbi"

"Of course!"
by Definitions13 November 23, 2013
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