1 definition by Definitionmaker7000

Hanane it's a she, and she is a perfect mix between a feminine , sensual, sensitive and a determinate warrior.

She doesn't take no as an answer, yet she respects when there is a no. Hanane will steal your heart right when your eyes meet not with violence but with awing soulful beauty screaming, shinning and penetrating right to your soul in a way that thinking twice is not an option.

She have her stuff clear. She will always show you grace and mercy, but step on her feets, will Hanane also give you the medicine you deserve. She makes you fall on the spot, just at the sight of her, Hanane lives on forgiveness and positivity and always illuminates your good sides, so never ruin your bond with her as Hanane is based on loyalty and truthfulness. However, Hanane is also one of the most smartest girls and can turn the world upside down if that's what she wants. SHE’s an independent human and never needs anything from anyone.

General is Hanane a main source of a melting heart, with a IQ no one can play with. She will always know herself and have her own back and for her, is that the perfect thing in this world.
“Damn, you went Hanane on him

“You such a Hanane, you got it under control
by Definitionmaker7000 April 6, 2019
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