4 definitions by Defiling Dave

The dry hump something or someone for the purpose of taking a funny picture.
The bartender went to the washroom so I dropped my pants and defiled the guinness tap, check out the pic!
by Defiling Dave August 31, 2006
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A Defiling contest, usually accompanied by the consumption of alcohol, wherein teams compete by taking pictures of their teammates in the act of dry humping people, monuments, or artifacts.
We held the third annual Defilathon last Tuesday, and man did it rock. Gaz defiled the CN tower and then Dave and Norman double teamed the skeezy old bicycle we found.
by Defiling Dave August 31, 2006
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A new sport wherein the participants take pictures of each other in the act of dry humping people, monuments, signs, bicycles, etc. within a set time limit. The teams then reconvene and the pictures are judged based on a predetermined set of criteria.

Usually preceded, accompanied, and followed by the consumption of alcohol
Thursday night we had a few beers and went defiling. You know that statue of the girl in the park? Shaz and I totally defiled it.
by Defiling Dave August 31, 2006
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When two or more people are taking pictures of each other in the act of dry humping people, monuments, signs, bicycles, etc.

Usually preceded, accompanied, and followed by the consumption of alcohol
Thursday night we had a few beers and went defiling. You know that statue of the girl in the park? I got a picture of Gaz french kissing her and cupping her breast while Dave was riding her from behind.
by Defiling Dave September 1, 2006
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