9 definitions by Death By Zobb

Linking two commonly used chatroom abbreviations, namely omg and wtf, and appending bbq. Can be used to imitate and ridicule people who furtively use the afore-mentioned abbreviations.
Ditzy 11 year old clown - "w0t? Omg wtf rofl wtf man omg lololz"
Partycrashing Smartass - "Omgwtfbbq I r teh l33t dipshittings."
by Death By Zobb December 14, 2004
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Alongside dudu this is a non-vulgar kidtalk way of saying penis in maltese, however can it also refer to a small penis. I.e. a pecker Maltese people also use this word to call each other wimps.
"Qed nibza mmur mal-mara ax qadt ma hxejt ghadni" (I'm scared of making love to my wife because i've never fucked yet.)
"hahah. Ja Pexixa" (Hahah. You wimp.)

"Mummy int ghandek pexixa?" (Mummy do you have a dick?)
by Death By Zobb December 14, 2004
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