1 definition by Davvn

A mentally deranged league of legends streamer with a huge ego who tells to other players that he will snap their necks and calls them waste of oxygen.
This guy reeks ar toxicity, a very toxic character playing the most toxic game.
He thinks himself to be some sort of Superhuman for being good at a videogame as adult and he looks down at everyone else as they are subhuman.
It's unbelievable how somebody would support this guy, look at the first definition, somebody would suck his cock for a session of coaching IN A FUCKING VIDEOGAME FILLED WITH MORE MENTALLY DERANGED PEOPLE.
Not to mention that he is an adult, literally an adult , acting 10000 more toxic than an edgy 12 years old kid who fucks your mom.
This guy is the perfect definition of narcisim.
If you support this guy with more than a view and you Genuinely think that he is 100% sane please seek mental help.
Person: Tarzaned is cool
Person2: you're mentally deranged
by Davvn June 7, 2022
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