2 definitions by David Hogg

South African slang (perhaps used elsewhere as well) to mean a person who has never taken marijuana.
"So I remain a dagga virgin. Any rooker will tell you that's a terrible thing to be, let alone confess to, when you've already reached your sixties, though I remain hopeful that our unconventional health minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang will one day allow South Africans to take marijuana for medicinal purposes."
by David Hogg October 2, 2006
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A person who doesn't know what is happening to them or why they are waiting for such a long time in a particular place.
"Just Made"
Then popped in this lovely bag
So you don't have to wait around like a wally.
Slogan used by the food chain Pret a Manger.
by David Hogg October 7, 2006
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