9 definitions by Dave(thepunkyone)

In folklore, the Grim Reaper is a genderless figure (assumedly male) who wears a dark cloak with a hood covering his face, and is renouned for carrying a scythe. It's hands and feet are normally that of a skeleton. Also referred to as Death, the Grim Reaper is said to kill anyone it touches.

In modern day storytelling, the Grim Reaper takes the soul of a person when it is their time to leave the living world. Many people believe Death is a messenger of Satan, but it takes life when it is the person's time, regardless of what happens in their afterlife.

Figuratively speaking, the Grim Reaper is in the gap between life and death, essentially helping people pass from the living world to that of the dead. He is the sign of Death, and his representation is shown on the tarot card for Death.
In the TV Series 'Dead Like Me', the Grim Reaper was infact a group of Reapers who took the souls of those about to die, to spare them the pain of their death and to help them cross to the next world.

Other representations of the Grim Reaper in shows such as 'Family Guy' or 'The Simpsons' show the more traditional counterpart, that his touch can kill instantly.

Many people claim that the representation of the Grim Reaper is seen before a person dies, and takes the soul of the person to lead them to a new place.
by Dave(thepunkyone) August 25, 2006
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To hit/strike someone, normally in the face or the genitals.

The phrase "I'll twat you one" is closely linked to this word.
Past Tense:

Guy 1: My Grandmother was looking at my porn collection yesterday...
Guy 2: Jesus man, what did you do?!
Guy 1: I twatted her one and it was lights out.

Present Tense:

Guy 1: Look a bunch of emos!
Guy 2: Let's start twatting them!
by Dave(thepunkyone) January 9, 2006
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