2 definitions by DannyJames06

n. A person who holds a dislike for homosexuals, simply because of their sexual orientation. This usually springs from their own ignorance and narrow-mindedness, for most of the time they don't even know the homosexual and determine to hate them just because of their sexuality.

Homophobic Person: OI! YOU! FUCKING DIRTY QUEER!
Gay Man, who had been minding his own business: O_O oookay, just another homophobe.
by DannyJames06 April 17, 2006
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n. A person who displays aggression towards homosexuals, and who are usually under the misconception that being gay is dirty, or is it a sin. These people are described as being intolerant, narrow-minded and ignorant retards.

n. A person who is so unhappy with their own life that they have to interfere with a homosexuals life and tell them that they're "dirty fags". (there opinion usually doesn't matter, however).
Homophobe(usually a chav): Tcch, dirty fucking gay, ass bandit, bastard, asshole.
Gay Guy: O_O oookay

by DannyJames06 April 16, 2006
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