1 definition by Daniel Edison

Men going their own way.
A group of men isolating themselves from female contact.

Some of them might hire prostitutes from sex, but in general terms it symbolizes the will of avoiding women for a certain reason.

Some mgtow participants are heartbroken or just virgins who don't want to socialize.

Another ones are men who tried to become seducers or famous, without success.
Others are men working for a championship, working on developing a great project, etc.

The fact that someone is a mgtow doesn't mean that he hates women, it means that he just wants to take a break. It's been enough. Some of them take this break until death. Others take it just a few years until becoming the very best version of themselves.

Being a mgtow is something that only men who understand female psychology can be a part of.
Family and friends: Why don't you have a girlfriend, you are so charming?
You: Thank you sweetheart, I'm working on myself, right now in this period of my life I'm Mgtow.
by Daniel Edison February 12, 2018
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