10 definitions by Daddy Jack

The last name of someone who is always lying to your face. They lie about things to people so that they feel sympathy for them in order for them to gain friends as they are poor at maintaining relationships otherwise. They lie about things so out of left field like lying about having mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, bipolar, anorexia, and bulimia. They lie out being assaulted, molested, and/or raped. They twist and turn their opinions faster than a cheetah runs, one minute they hate the idea of nudes then the next minute they're handing them out like lollipops. They also are known for being a fake friend, someone you never trust. You always have to watch what you say around these people, because eventually they will stab you in the back.
"That Gillard, he's always lying to your face. It's unbelievable what he gets on with."
by Daddy Jack February 15, 2019
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Indonesian for "dick" or "penis"
"you have a small tolo"
by Daddy Jack October 15, 2019
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the person i like’s birthday month (10) day (6) n the 9 u gotta figure out
i love 1069
by Daddy Jack January 20, 2022
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