4 definitions by DOOMI MAN

The Doomi theory is a scientific theory of the creation of the universe. It states that the universe was created by a very large cosmic being named Damanpreet Basra. His sheer volume was so large that he collapsed onto him self and created the universe we know. Damanpreet Basra is also known to be the largest being in our known universe. Many scientists have mistaken him for plants and even large giant stars.
The universe was created through the Doomi Theory
by DOOMI MAN December 5, 2019
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The Doomi theory is a scientific theory of the creation of the universe. It states that the universe was created by a very large cosmic being named Damanpreet Basra. His sheer volume was so large that he collapsed onto him self and created the universe we know. Damanpreet Basra is also known to be the largest being in our known universe. Many scientists have mistaken him for plants and even large giant stars.
The universe was created through the Doomi theory
by DOOMI MAN December 5, 2019
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A Damanpreet Basra a.k.a Doomi is a very large man who loves to eat big macs. Legend has it that he married a Big Mac (his wife) and then ate it!
WOW he is like "Damanpreet"
by DOOMI MAN November 13, 2019
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Doomi is a another name for a man named Damanpreet Basra. A Doomi is a person who loves food and eats all day.
He/she eats as much as a Doomi
by DOOMI MAN November 13, 2019
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