2 definitions by DJ dictionary

1. Noun

1. The power sour food wields. When the food is eaten the sour power forces it's consumer's face to curl up in a horrendously cringy grim.

2. The small sense of horror which te though of sour food can create.
1.1. At first I thought Jerry was taking a dump judging from his face, however apperantly it was just the Sour Power from the sour worms he was eating.

2.1 I truly suffered from a bit of Sour Power when I saw the video of the young child biting a lemon
by DJ dictionary October 29, 2018
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1. Noun
Noun: Collateral Dance; Plural noun: Collateral Dances

1. Unwilling bystander who doesn't want participate in a dance, but nevertheless gets involved by influences from peer pressure, drunk party-goers and other external sources.

2. Verb
Verb: Collateral Dance; 3rd person present: Collateral Dances; past tense: Collateral Danced; past participle: Collateral Danced; gerund or present participle: Collateral Dancing

1. The act of involving an unwilling bystander in a (group)dance, thereby making this victim a Collateral Dance.
"John wasn't planning to join in on the Macarena, but when his drunk friends pulled him in the middle of the dancefloor he just had to dance."

"Yeah man, he totally was a Collateral Dance"

"Dude, Danielle has been sticking to her seat all night, we should totally get her on the dancefloor!"

"Oh my god yes, we just have to Collateral Dance her"
by DJ dictionary October 27, 2018
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