3 definitions by Döner

A attack used by Noriaki Kakyoin from the manga/anime series Jojo's bizarre adventure Stardust Crusaders that has been used very often against the antagonists in the series, to sum it all up quick of how it works, go read below.
Kakyoin: Take this, emeraalld splaaashhh!!
Villain shoves it off as if it's nothing
Kakyoin: What, but there's no way. No one can just deflect the emerald splash!
by Döner August 4, 2018
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Long dick, pretty boy, swaaag overloadet, nice style, every girl could be happy to know him
How could milad nasrollahi be pretty and have a long dickat the same time
by Döner January 2, 2017
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Pretty boy, very sexy, looong dick, swaggnes overloaded, strong fighter
How could milad be soo sexy and have a long dick at the same time
by Döner January 2, 2017
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