1 definition by D@90E M^$T@7NE

Someone who happens to dislike the Power Metal band Dragonforce.
Kid A: Hey what'd you do last night?
Kid B: Oh, I went to a Dragonforce concert. They were pretty dec-
Kid A: OH! MY! GOD! You like Dragonforce, that is so gay! You know they only became famous due to Guitar Hero?
Kid B: Well, yes but-
Kid A: They only have one song you know?!
Kid B: What about Fury of the Storm or Operation ground and p-
Kid A: You know they speed up their songs?!
Kid B: You don't have any proof of that. You probably just read it on the internet.
Kid A: THAT DOESN"T MATTER, THEY'RE STILL GAY! DRAGONFORCE ARE FAGS! *Screams then convulses on the ground*
Kid B:........Are you alright? Dude? Dragonforce hater?
by D@90E M^$T@7NE April 11, 2010
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